Monday, August 9, 2010


前两天听到了一个消息,不能说是“听到”,应该说是“看到”这消息。当我一得知这消息时,才发现原来它已经是事实。虽然是一个很值得大家开心的事实,但我好像怎么都开心不起来。当我一“看到”这事实,心里头不禁有了点酸酸的感觉,回忆里的一切一切重现在我脑海里。难以接受的事实。。。眼泪在眼眶里打转,眼眶装不下太多泪水,最终流了下来。。。但这几天静下来想一想了,觉得我不该伤心,反而应该开心才对!就算世界上什么都改变,你我心中的连线永远不变^^ 所以我们要form triple bond才行咯!^^让他永远坚固~^@^ 我在这里祝福你,一切顺利,你是我的光荣!^^ 你会成功的!切记,要很想念我们噢~

Monday, July 26, 2010


7月29日就要来临了!!!你应该记得什么日子吧~^^ 在这一个月里,我什么喜怒哀乐你都陪我度过了。我开心的,我伤心的,我难受的,我生气的,我讨厌的,你都不厌其烦的,不埋怨的陪在我身边。虽然在饥饿30的生活营里生病很难受很辛苦,但因为你的照顾,让我觉得我生病都值得!!!哈哈^^ 有时我在有些事物里显得很白痴,我有心而力不足,需要你的帮忙,你没埋怨过一句的帮我。当我看到你那么累我却什么也帮不了时,我也很内疚很心疼。。。我真的很白痴!!! >.< 所以我要在这里跟你说,谢谢你啦XXX!!! >.<

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The new look^^

I have changed my hair style~~haha!!!I like this hair style very much^^

the day went to dungun for Joey's wedding dinner^^

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Me,my new phone and my new wallet^^

I like the back of the phone^^


Exam is coming around...why I am lazy than last year???Last year I will finish the homeworks by the day,but this year,I can just left it there and daydream...walk here and there...can't pay enough attention like last year...I have changed???Why i have changed???I don't want...I want last year's Teoh Wan Ching come back!!!Come back!!!I have to struggle hard by myself...Without anyone's support...Without support can be so lonely...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to me^^

Hehe^^today is my birthday~~thx to all my family members and my friends' birthday wishes!!!This year is the only year that I have celebrated my birthday 3 times~~haha!!!First,i have to thank to my lovely friends~~Yunn Li and Ehaun that had celebrated my birthday 2 weeks before.Although it was too early to celebrate,but I know they planned for all the thing just to make me happy~~^^Although some of my friends are not around me,but i can feel them!!!

Secondly,I have to thank to my friends that have celebrated my birthday 2 days before^^i knew that they have planned to give me a surprise~~but just because I am too clever,haha!!!i knew that they were going to give a surprise to me~~so they made another plan instead of the plan they planned it before~~We went to the playground at Pantai Manik,and later they brought a cake in front of me~~And that was the second celebration for my birthday^^thanks to Qi Qian,Maple,Christopher,Kah Win,Han Sian,Jia Wei,Ah Kit,Wei Han,Hui Ling,Ah Bear,Fei Luck and so on so on~~

And the third celebration is the celebration with my family^^Tonight we will celebrate it^^

I hope that my dreams can come true,that is get 4 flat in stpm~~but I know it is really a difficult task,but I think I can do it!!!Hope for that^^

Thursday, March 25, 2010


我沈默 不代表我不痛
我不痛 眼淚就不會流
總是安靜承受 安靜忍受 

你說我 很適合當朋友
你說我 總是會聽你說
你說別太難過 保持聯絡 

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流 
把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 
如果你能飛得 快樂自由 
這疼痛 並不算 什麼

想挽留 卻為什麼點頭
我不懂 連我都不懂我
如果說的太少 愛的太多 

讓我震耳欲聾 喔喔
有多少愛 就有多少 
